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 Upcoming Events

May 11 (Friday) Amazing Survivor Race 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

May 17 (Thursday) PTO Fundraiser at Fuddrucker's in Reading (in Jordan's) from 5:00 to 8:00 PM

May 18 (Friday) Teacher In-Service - Noon Dismissal

May 18 (Friday) Progress Reports will be sent home

May 28 (Monday) Memorial Day - No School

June 4 (Monday) 3 & 4 year-old Preschool Moving-On Ceremony in School Hall 9:00 AM (Mrs. Gabriel)

June 5 (Tuesday) 4-year old Preschool Moving-On Ceremony in School Hall 9:00 AM (Mrs. Yobaccio)

June 7 (Thursday) 8th Grade Banquet in School Hall 6:00 PM

June 8 (Friday) 8th Grade Graduation in Church 6:00 PM

June 11 (Monday) Kindergarten Moving-On Ceremony in School Hall - 9:00 AM

June 15 (Friday) Last Day of School - NOON DISMISSAL

Our Lady of the Assumption School

Our event on April 9th, 2011 was once again a wonderful success thanks to the generosity and spirit of the OLA community.  We thank our families, our donors and our alumni for their support and participation.  This year's event generated more than $30,000!