Explanation of Fees and Program Fees
Consumable Fee- is an annual family fee charged for student provisions such as student planners and other necessities that are replenished each year. This fee is payable upon registration and non-refundable.
Parent Teachers’ Organization- PTO dues are used to fund programs and events which benefit our children and teachers, such as classroom supplies, field trip contributions, teacher appreciation events and -8th grade scholarships.
$30.00 Per family Annually
Milk Dues- Covers the annual cost for milk per child. This is an optional fee that is selected when completing your contract.
$40.00 Per student annually
YMCA Gym Program- OLA has partnered with the Lynnfield/Peabody YMCA to provide a quality gym program. This is an optional program for 7th and 8th grade students. The fee covers the cost of transportation to and from the Lynnfield/Peabody YMCA. If family opts out the child will remain in school and be provided a study period.
$175.00 per student annually
Graduating Fees- Covers the costs associated with the graduation ceremonies for graduating 8th grade students.
$175.00 per student annually
8th Grade Field Trip- This is an optional fee. You may opt out by checking the box on your contract. An estimated cost of $600.00 is included in your contract. Dependent on the number of students, means of transportation and destination the total cost may vary. This amount is finalized and published in the fall. The balance will be adjusted to your Smart tuition account and be allocated among your remaining payments.
SMART Tuition Fee- Administration costs for providing financial resource for payment plans. This service will also facilitate billing for other dues, activity fees and other programs throughout the school year i.e. after school programs, sports fees, enrichment clubs, lunch tokens etc. All fees will be billed through SMART on your first month’s billing.
$50.00 per payment plan