Our Lady of the Assumption School

Spring Concert 2013


Prayer changes things.

Prayer changes things.

Prayer changes things.

The theme of our spring concert is


and the more people praying,

the greater the changes.

So please come,

and bring family and friends

for a night of song, story

and maybe even a prayer or two.

It is a great 4th, 5th and 6th grade

and we've been working since September.


Grades 4, 5, 6

Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 7:00 pm

children will report to their classrooms at 6:30,

 unless told to report at 6:15

Place: school cafeteria


Prayer leads you to see new paths

and to hear new melodies in the air.

Prayer is the breath of your life

which gives you the freedom

to go and to stay where you wish

and to find the many signs

which point out the way to a new land.

Praying is living.

It is eating and drinking,

action and rest,

teaching and learning,

playing and working.

Praying pervades every aspect of our lives.

It is the unceasing recognition

that God is wherever we are,

always inviting us to come closer

and to celebrate

the divine gift of being alive.

words by Henri Nouwen