Grade 4 Early Explorer Project
After doing research on an early explorer of North America, Grade 4 will create a PowerPoint presentation that will include a picture of your explorer, if possible, and a map of the explorer’s route. Your child will receive a Social Study Grade and a Computer Grade for this project.
- You must use two different sources encyclopedia, book, and the Internet. Read the information you gather and determine what information you need to create your Slides on PowerPoint. Remember the information should be in your own words. The following sites are good resources.
- Here are some Internet Sites on Explorers: (Press Control Key and click with your mouse and it will bring you to the sites.)
KidsInfoBits (Kids InfoBits can be found on the St. Francis Media Section of the school website. Click on St. Francis Media Center; scroll over to Library and click, then click on Kids InfoBits, Reference Databases. If it ask for a password, type in library, and then scroll down and click on Kids InfoBits. Type in the name of your Explorer, and click search.) Also, there are a number of references to use in this section. (“Zoom - Explorers” - Click on the letter of your explorer and scroll down.) (Magellan, Cortez, Columbus, Ericson and Drake. (Click on the letter of your explorer.) (Only for explorers that landed in Florida.)
- The image of your explorer and the image of the map will be done in class. The information on your Explorer’s route must be done at home.
- Attached you will find the set up for the Slides where you can write your information. This must be brought to Computer Class each week. Also attached is your Works Cited Sheet, which is mentioned above. All of these sheets are also available to download on the OLA website at the St. Francis Media Center link (mentioned above). Find Grade 4 Explorer Project and you should be able to print it out as a PDF file. Use this resource if your child forgets to bring home their Explorer Project Packet.
PDF - Grade 4 Explorer Project.
PDF - Citation Sheets for Explorer Project