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Schedule of Events

Sept 19: Enrichment Club Session 1 begins

Sept 23: PTO Ice Cream Social - Drive-in Movie Night!

Sept 30: Teacher-In-Service EARLY DISMISSAL

Oct 5: St Francis Mass at 9:00 am (Dress uniform required)

Oct 6: Progress Reports (Grades 1-3)

Oct 7: Faculty Retreat, NO SCHOOL

Oct 10: Columbus Day, NO SCHOOL

Oct 25-26: School Picture days

Oct 28: PTO Monster Mash

Oct 31-Nov 4: Scholastic Book Fair Week

Nov 1: All Saints Day Mass at 9:00 am (Dress uniform required)

Nov 4: First Quarter Ends




Our Lady of the Assumption School

History of Our Lady of the Assumption School

Our Lady of the Assumption School was opened in September 1961 fulfilling the life long dream of Monsignor John J. Linnehan to construct a parochial school to support the growing number of children in the parish.  Arrangements were made to bring the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia to staff the new school.  The faculty consisted of seven Franciscan Sisters, and one lay teacher.  There were three hundred and seven students enrolled in grades one through four with two classes of each grade.  By 1965, the school had grown into full enrollment continuing to the eighth grade.  The faculty was increased to eleven Sisters and five lay teachers.  Since Our Lady’s was the only Catholic school in the area, students came from many surrounding communities.  A kindergarten was added in 1972 and another one in 1984 to respond to the needs of the community.

In the late 1990’s, renovations were started on the OLA convent to house the Computer Lab and Library, which opened in 1999.  In 2001, the convent was renamed the St. Francis Center, with the opening of the preschool and the new home for our kindergarten classes.

Beginning in 2007, to support the overall academic experience of our students, Smartboards were installed in all classrooms.  Renovation of the second floor of the St. Francis Center occurred in 2009 adding designated Art and Music rooms, a Teachers’ room, and a separate workroom.

Although many changes have taken place in the school since its establishment 50 years ago, the mission remains the same. 

We strive to provide our children with Learning Inspired by Faith and Excellence.