School Advisory Board
The Mission of the OLA School Advisory Board is to promote and protect our Catholic identity, create opportunities for academic excellence and spiritual growth in a safe and secure environment, provide sound financial planning and strategic planning for future growth and development of the school and work with our school community in mutual cooperation, support and encouragement to ensure that our students are prepared to face tomorrow's challenges as concerned Christians and future leaders and to aggressively promote the mission of our school.
The School Advisory Board is comprised of several subcommittees in order to distribute roles and responsibilities. All of these subcommittees need parent participation to grow and prosper. The current members of the School Advisory Board meet on the second Monday of the Month at 7:00PM.
Rev. Paul Ritt, Pastor
Mr. James J. Grocki Jr., Principal
Jayson Armata
Tony Cannistraci
Dan Donahue
John Meuse
Len Morrison
Sheila O'Toole
Jodene Sanford
Jeff Smith
Phyllis West
Contact the school in order to participate in one of the subcommittees:
Financial Committee Mission
The mission of the Finance Committee is "to ensure and maintain the constant and consistent Financial Health of Our Lady of the Assumption School" and relay their findings to the Board.
Development Committee Mission
The mission of the Development Committee is to invite increased awareness, enrollment, investment and support; to oversee principles and effective fundraising; and foster the bonds of friendship with church leaders, current students and alumni and relay their findings to the Board.
Building Committee Mission
The mission of the Building Committee is to oversee the maintenance and proper care of the school property; review current and new projects and relay the Committee's findings to the Board.
Technology Committee Mission
The mission of the Technology Committee is to oversee the maintenance and proper care of the school's technology resources; review current and new projects and relay their findings to the Board.
Social Life Committee Mission
The mission of the Social Life Committee is to oversee the school's extra curricular activities; review current and develop new ideas that foster the bonds of friendship/teamwork and relay their findings to the Board.