Our Lady of the Assumption School


Grade Six through Grade Eight

Restate task/assignment and recognize the need for information
  • understand instructions and guidelines for assignment
  • follow Big6 Information Literacy Model
  • determine what type of resources would be helpful (EBSCO, CD-ROM, non-fiction books, biographical dictionaries)

Form information seeking strategies
  • review broad overview article on topic (encyclopedia)
  • formulate keyword search
  • search on-line catalog (OLA and NOBLE)
  • outline research ideas and preliminary research information
  • expand/narrow topic based on preliminary research
  • know what on-line resources are available at the public library

Locate needed information
  • understand the Dewey Decimal System classification
  • refine keyword search with boolean operators
  • learn usefulness of search engines
  • learn how to use cross references
  • locate full text articles using on-line databases
  • assess resources on the internet
  • review library and internet guidelines
  • use a variety of resources available (local historic sites, museums)
  • prepare a bibliography on a subject or an author

Evaluate information
  • scan book/article for usefulness
  • evaluate usefulness of book/article based on author, date of publication
  • evaluate web sites for accurate information
  • recognize bias in source

Organize information
  •  organize information on a topic from more than one source and one format
  •  understand copyright issues and consequences of plagiarism
  •  create/revise draft of final project
  •  learn to create project with target audience in mind
  •  present project (powerpoint, SmartBoard, word process)
  •  cite all sources using MLA citation

  • assess what resources were helpful in researching the topic
  • review own work (what did student do well, what could student improve upon)
  • use student checklist or rubric to evaluate process