Our Lady of Assumption School Our Lady of Assumption School
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Schedule of Events

Sept 19: Enrichment Club Session 1 begins

Sept 23: PTO Ice Cream Social - Drive-in Movie Night!

Sept 30: Teacher-In-Service EARLY DISMISSAL

Oct 5: St Francis Mass at 9:00 am (Dress uniform required)

Oct 6: Progress Reports (Grades 1-3)

Oct 7: Faculty Retreat, NO SCHOOL

Oct 10: Columbus Day, NO SCHOOL

Oct 25-26: School Picture days

Oct 28: PTO Monster Mash

Oct 31-Nov 4: Scholastic Book Fair Week

Nov 1: All Saints Day Mass at 9:00 am (Dress uniform required)

Nov 4: First Quarter Ends




Parent Information

Welcome parents. You are an integral part of your child's education and you are an important part of our school community.  Please visit our Monthly Newsletter, PTO, Auction, and Student Handbook sections to read the latest information.